Facility | Airspace |
Regional (D10) TRACON | At or below 17000 |
Oke City TRACON (OKC) TRACON | At or below 15000 |
Abilene (ABI) TRACON | At or below 12000 |
Longview (GGG) TRACON | At or below 12000 |
Lubbock (LBB) TRACON | At or below 17000 |
Midland (MAF) TRACON | At or below 13000 |
Monroe (MLU) TRACON | At or below 12000 |
San Angelo (SJT) TRACON | At or below 12000 |
Shreveport (SHV) TRACON | At or below 12000 |
Waco (ACT) TRACON | At or below 12000 |
Facility | Airspace |
Altus (LTS) RAPCON | At or below 9000ft |
Sheppard (SPS) RAPCON | At or below 16000 |
Fort Sill (FSI) ARAC | At or below 7000 |
Robert Gray (GRK) ARAC | At or below 12000 |
Bonham Specialty (BYP)
Area Narrative
The Bonham area is a complex, high-traffic density area that works arrivals/departures out of DFWT, OKCT, and TULT. The area works overflight crossing traffic in the high-altitude stratum. There are Rivers ATCAA, AR313, and several MTRs run through the northeastern portion of the area at varying altitudes. The area is bounded by ZME to the east, DAL area to the south, UKW area to the west, and ZKC to the north. The Bonham area overlies portions of the D10 TRACON to the south and southwest, the OKC TRACON to the northwest, and the TUL TRACON to the north. Bonham also provides non-radar approach/departure control to the ADM and GYI Airports.
Low Sector | High Sector |
Glen Rose Specialty (JEN)
Area Narrative
The Glen Rose area primarily handles DFWT arrivals from the south and west coast. The area also handles a high density of military traffic operating around ABI, MAF, and SJT TRACONs and the associated MOAs/ATCAAs. Some of these airspaces require coordination with ZHU. The area also handles some sequencing for transcontinental traffic routed via EWM or ELP VORs in the high-altitude stratum. The area is bounded by ZHU to the south, ZAB to the west, RDR to the north, and DAL to the east. Raider area overlies the MAF, SJT, and ABI TRACONs and portions of ACT TRACON and GRK ARAC. The area also provides non-radar approach/departure control services to the HOB airport.
Low Sector | High Sector |
Raider Specialty (RDR)
Area Narrative
The Raider area works westbound departures out of the DFWT and transcontinental traffic along J4. The area also handles the initial sequence of west coast arrivals into DFWT and destinations to the southeast. The area is bounded by ZAB to the west and north, JEN area to the south, DAL area to the east, and UKW area to the northeast. The Raider area handles several highly used MOAs/ATCAAs and frequently coordinates with other ZFW areas for activation/closing of these areas. This area overlies LBB and ABI TRACONs.
Low Sector | High Sector |
Bowie Specialty (UKW)
Area Narrative
The Bowie area primarily handles arrivals to the DFWT from the northwest, OKCT arrivals/departures to/from the west and southwest, and high-altitude traffic overflying IRW and IFI VORs. The area is bounded by ZKC to the north, ZAB to the west, BYP area to the east, and RDR area to the south. Bowie also overlies the D10 TRACON to the southeast and wholly or mostly overlies SPS and LTS RAPCONs, FSI ARAC, and the OKC TRACON to the east. This area contains several ATCAA, MTRs, AR Tracks, and the R-5601 complex north of SPS. Bowie area also handles non-radar departures/arrivals from the CSM Airport.
Low Sector | High Sector |
Cedar Creek Specialty (CQY)
Area Narrative
The Cedar Creek area primarily handles arrivals to the DFWT from the southeast, IAHT departures climbing to the northeast, and traffic arriving/departing GGGT, SHVT, and MLUT. This area also sequences traffic landing MEMT. The area is bounded by DAL area to the north and west, ZHU to the south, and ZME to the east. Cedar Creek also overlies the D10 TRACON to the northwest and wholly or mostly overlies GGG, SHV, and MLU TRACONs to the southeast and POE GCA to the south-southeast.
Low Sector | High Sector |
Dallas Specialty (DAL)
Area Narrative
The Dallas area primarily sequences southerly and easterly departures out of the DFWT. The area also sequences overflight traffic into IAHT/AUST/SATT/MEMT and departures from IAHT to the northeast. The area is bounded by ZME to the east and ZHU to the south. The area overlies portions of the D10, ACT, SHV, and GGG TRACONs and the GRK ARAC. Due to the areas unique shape, it borders every other area in ZFW so controllers should make use of P-ACP to limit overflight workload between areas. Dallas provides non-radar approach/departure control to the TXK airport.
Low Sector | High Sector |