IFR Example:
Cleared to Miami Intl airport via radar vectors (fix), then as filed. Maintain 5000, expect FL300 10 minutes after departure. Departure frequency 125.95, squawk 1234.
IFR squawk code assignment:
via Aurora
PDC via CPDLC is not available at this airport.
Columbos International airport is surrounded by class C airspace. Aircraft entering class C airspace VFR require a clearance in accordance
with 7110.65 Chapter 7, section 9-2.
VFR Deaprture:
Westbound departure approved, maintain VFR at or below 2500 until further advised. Departure frequency 122.8. Squawk 0301.
VFR Local Pattern Example:
Pattern altitude 2500, expect right closed traffic runway 28L, squawk 0301.
VFR squawk code assignment:
via Aurora
Columbos International Airport is not facilitated ground radar. Pilots are not required to operate transponders on mode ‘active’.
Columbos International airport is surrounded by class C airspace.
VFR Local Pattern Example:
Join left downwind runway 28L, report midfield with intentions.
VFR Transition:
VFR Exiting Tower airspace:
VFR squawk code assignment:
via Aurora
Columbos TRACON is responsible for all airports and airspace from surface up to 10000ft as depicted.